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Charles Ryan Long Artist Talk

Charles Ryan Long first etched WELCOME TO THE DEATH OF WHITE MANHOOD into the sand on Matagorda Island in early 2017 after the election of Donald Trump and during a time of increasing police violence. On this island with friends who had spent the winter at standing rock, Charles encountered a piece of wood that was actually a chunk of debris, or a remnant of petroleum pollution. As he stood on this decommissioned military base, where native wildlife had completely taken over the asphalt and buildings, holding this remnant from late-stage capitalism, Charles declared "WELCOME TO THE DEATH OF WHITE MANHOOD".


Controlling Time

Various Artists

February 9th - March 8th

Video works by:

Vida Sačić, Charles Long, Danielle Rosen, Yvette Mayorga, Shawné Michaelain Halloway, Tanya Garcia, Kasem Kydd, Jessye McDowell, Rabia Tayyabi, Chekwube Danladi, Taha Heydari & James Williams II, Marcela Torres, Alfredo Salazar-Caro, and Jiwon Ham. Curated by KT Duffy


Modules and Other Nonsense

Shir Ende Elliot Doughtie

December 7th - January 14th

Utilizing silk screen schematics and a contractor’s magic wand, Elliot Doughtie and Shir Ende leverage layering and modulation, illustrating transitional architectures of interior built spaces and constructed identities.

The works in the exhibition perform a surrogacy for bodies traversing transitional spaces and express the autonomy of human movement and the desires expressed therein.


Portate Bien

Jackie Milad

October 26th - November 26th

Jackie Milad (Baltimore City, MD) Creates textured collage and drawing works on paper and canvas. Milad has been featured in group and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally.

In Portate Bien, Milad adroitly compiles multiple signifiers, collapsing them into a singular plane filled with disembodied body parts. The surfaces of Milad's works are thick with diverse layers and symbols. Fragments of language slide between scales, tracks and fences, while haunted monoliths, and neon specters irreverently strut.


Hunt and Play

Jonathan Korotko

September 21st - October 21st

Jonathan Korotko is an artist who works with fiber in sculptural form. In his current practice, Korotko examines the intersections of aesthetics coming from his own familial history and what an empowering queer aesthetic might look like today.


Never Had a Jumpshot, Never Had a Plan

James Williams II

August 16 - September 17th

James Williams’ work centers on social and cultural identity in the United States tied together by self-portraiture and narrative. During an attempt to make sense of race and visual representation for his five-year-old daughter, Indigo, Williams began to see similarities between her anthropomorphic cartoons and the origin of racial constructs in America, particularly in Black Americans.


Highly Illogical

Jason Dunda & Erin Washington

August 16 - September 17th

Area artists violate the Prime Directive but make it fashion


Annual Poetry Reading Night

Organized by Chekwube Danladi, featuring readings by Chekwube Danladi, Xandrai Phillips, and haydee “hr” souffrant